Mz O In The Mix

Breaking Free from New Year's Resolutions: A Fresh Perspective on Personal Growth

Mz Originator Season 5 Episode 1

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Sick of feeling shackled by the annual promise to overhaul your life every January 1st? So am I. Welcome to a refreshing take on why New Year's resolutions might be setting you up for failure instead of success. This episode isn't your typical pep talk—it's a candid discussion that questions the tradition of resolutions and offers an alternative outlook on personal growth. As I recount my own health journey that kicked off in October, not January, I share how breaking free from the calendar can lead to more meaningful and sustainable self-improvement. Get ready to challenge the status quo and find empowerment in crafting goals that genuinely fit your life.

Ever felt like the weight of a tradition is crushing you, rather than lifting you up? We've all been there, nodding along as we commit to lofty goals, only to feel the sting of abandoned resolutions. This episode explores the hidden burdens of self-imposed obligations and the societal pressures that come with announcing our intentions to the world. With humor and a touch of tough love, we dissect how a lack of clear planning can leave us in the dark—literally, if we forget to pay that light bill. Tune in for an episode that promises not just laughter, but also liberating insights into making choices that add joy and fulfillment to our lives without the extra stress.

What was discussed:

00:01 No Resolutions
04:39 Traditions Are Not For Me
16:41 The Burden of Resolutions
17:24 Unrealistic

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Speaker 1:

What's going on everyone? Welcome to 2024 and welcome back to Mz O In The Mix. Join us today for a topic of no Resolutions for me. Get your pen and pad ready. You have some homework to do. If this is your first time tuning in, I welcome you with open arms to a not so judgmental zone. Just a little tough love. You be I. If you're driving, keep both hands on the wheel and eyes on the road, even while laughing. If there are small children around, wear earbuds, because I cuss Shit. We never know when it's going to happen. Just like then. I wasn't playing, it's just how it is. Hey, don't forget to listen to this episode again. You may have missed something because you just kept laughing and if you're returning, welcome back. Oh, how I missed you. You just don't understand. It's been a minute and I'm grateful to be back.

Speaker 1:

If you follow me on social media, you see that there is a post that says this is the year of mind your business and partial plans, we at Mizzone and makes our continuing our healthy journey this year, focusing on our mental, physical and spiritual side. No politics here. So if you're new, understand we don't do politics. You can talk about that somewhere else. You can hear about that somewhere else. So don't ask, I get ahead Just thinking about it. It overwhelms me. You wouldn't understand. You may understand. Hell, let's look at it that way. You may understand, because you always get someone who's very difficult when it comes to politics and it's just a lot of headbutting and I don't have time for that. So here we go with what our strengths are and we rock with that. If you have a topic you'd like us to consider, email Mizz, oh, in the mix at gmailcom and to keep us on the air, hey guys, don't forget this. Three ways to show some love. But that's the laundry list. Can we get into the topic now? All right, no resolutions for me. So no resolutions for me is a topic that I figured would be a good discussion, of course, because it is the first week of the new year and it's always some drama going on and people.

Speaker 1:

It seems like at the end of the year, people get into this big rush of oh, oh, something's coming up. I need to prepare for my wedding, I need to prepare for a wedding, I need to prepare for vacation. Oh, my birthday is coming up, and I'm saying this because I even said this. I'm like, oh, by my birthday I want to be a certain weight. This year. I want to.

Speaker 1:

You know, I had health issues for those who listened to me before I had health issues, but I am doing so much better. It's just. It's been really beautiful, a beautiful journey, even though I've been away from you all. But I started finding myself feeling like I was creating some type of resolution when I wasn't, because I started this back in October, this new part of a health journey, and I'm just like, oh no, I'm not gonna sit up here and get no damn new year's resolution and get myself all twisted up trying to make this come true, but I'm still going to do what I need to do.

Speaker 1:

So I don't believe in resolution, not for me, not for me, but what you do. Maybe you won't after we talk about this, but to me, with resolutions there are. There are good things and there are bad things, and as humans into D society, I feel that there are so many pressures and there wasn't many pressures back in a day, but now it just seems like it's a lot going on, a lot more than there was back in the day, because we have events so much as us, as a human race. We've come far, so we've added more pressure on us, and so who the hell needs a resolution? No offense, I understand some people are for them. Me, you know what I'm learning.

Speaker 1:

Not so much I pick and choose what I want as far as traditions put a spin on it, wrap it up in a pretty bow and do it my way. And then I tell my kids do whatever the hell you want, because traditions to me are for the people who are gone, like I'm. You know, I understand you culturally. You might want to do something cool, I don't care, but I'm just. I'm just not for what tradition stands for today, and to me it's like we're not even remembering those who came before us in our families or those that you know introduced those traditions to us.

Speaker 1:

I just feel like everything is such a gimmick and is stressful and is putting you in a place where you don't really want to be, and some people don't even want to say it because they feel bad. They feel like, if I tell you know, my mother or my father or my aunt, uncle or whomever have been doing this for years and for generations, that I don't want to do it, but you feel so much pressure and you feel like a bad person for not doing it. Man, listen, I say fuck that. If you don't want to do it, don't do it. Life is too short. I'm not here to live for my mother. I'm not here to live with my brother. I'm not here to live with my grandparents. You know, I can tell my kids about the traditional things that used to happen. And if my kids were like, well, mommy, we want to do that too, hell, we'll try it for a year. But I don't expect me to be doing this every single year, all the time. You know I'm not. I'm not giving my kids a disadvantage, I'm just not giving them any bullshit, because they tie it and I'm tired too.

Speaker 1:

And then, if I'm around here trying to follow up with traditions, oh, come on, the ball's dropping for us here, the ball's dropping apple, whatever you want to call it, is dropping. Let's stay up to one o'clock in the morning talking with people we don't want to talk to, you know, because you can't really leave once 12 o'clock comes and you go happy new year. And you don't ate everybody up all the food, and then you ready to leave because you don't say happy new year. You packed your go-container when you first got here, so it's like you don't want to leave. So now you got to stay there at one o'clock and don't live 30, 45 minutes away. Then you got to get on a roll and hopefully miss all the drunk drivers Like these traditions.

Speaker 1:

They too much for me. I'm tired, and that reason I feel like I don't deal with traditions which causes me not to even embark on the resolution thing anymore is because my parents said screw your tradition. A while ago. They don't even realize they did it, but when I had my son I remember them saying oh, you got another family now you can go have you know, you can go over there and have your turkey and whatever for this holiday, you know, and they did another holiday so I had to go there Like it was just too much. I'm trying to run from your house to your house, to your house to eat some dry ass turkey or to to schmooze with some people, but I don't like a good 87% of the people that are in the room. But I want to show you love. I can show you love throughout the rest of the year. I can do that throughout the rest of the year.

Speaker 1:

And my rant for the last probably five minutes about tradition is bringing me to that resolution. I don't have to make a new year's resolution. I could just start whenever the hell I want and do it whenever I want. But if I'm going to make a so-called resolution, understand that's instantaneous. That hasn't been really thought out.

Speaker 1:

A resolution Not in my opinion. It's something that you just pulled off. You know, when you pulled out of a hat like what are you going to do for yourself this year? And you know you, you feel forced to tell somebody something like pull something out, like what do you want to do? Or I want to lose weight and I'm going to join the gym in January. Don't get me wrong. Go ahead and join the gym in January, do what you got to do. You're going to waste most of that membership, but it's cool. It's cool because I don't want to mess with the personal trainer and the gym money. So you go ahead and join the gym. But just remember, you did it on a resolution and you didn't do it on a verge of, like, accomplishing a goal. So you cannot beat yourself up for that later. And that brings me into another part.

Speaker 1:

When you don't have a plan, plan to not achieve. When you don't have a plan, you must plan to not achieve. I will say it again when you do not have a plan, you must plan to not achieve. Planning to this resolution thing and being spontaneous with it. It is to me, remember, this is my opinion, people, so your opinion may differ from mine, and that is a okay. But since you're not here and I can't hear you, you can't see you, we can't go back and forth about it. But if you would like to meet me over at MsMZ underscore originator on Instagram, we can talk about it.

Speaker 1:

So, going back to my, when there's no plan, plan not to achieve is I kind of forgot a bit of it because this is not scripted, y'all. This is me just spewing like if we having a conversation. So, if you know, pause for a second. If you are new, understand, I do not script out. I write a few things out to kind of make sure that I'm hitting the exact points. Other than that, it's just all talk. I'm a Gemini, so I could talk for days. I could talk for hours. I don't have to have anybody else in the room. It's like 18 people in my head and we have a great conversation. So, anyway, going back.

Speaker 1:

So this plan is important and not having a plan, understand you're not going to achieve the goal and that your resolution is not a true planned out goal, just like when you create a vision board. I'm over here punching my hand, y'all my hand going to hurt later, seriously, when you do not have a vision board, or when you do have a vision board, you don't have a plan to go with that vision board. What are you thinking? You just put a bunch of pretty pictures on a poster board with no realistic goals and, well, no realistic plan in place to achieve that goal. So there's no realistic plan in place to achieve that goal. And when that happening, you tend to fail because you don't have anything written out of what do you do after you do step one, or even when it is step one, because sometimes we don't from knowing what it is to step 15 and got to come back to step one and then forgot about step five because we went ahead with the step 23. No, no, you're not going to achieve the goal that you're setting out. You definitely not going to achieve the resolution, because you don't even have anything written out. So understand when you say my resolution for 2024 is to make sure you put a clause in that statement saying I will not hold myself accountable for the failure that will come to be if I don't plan accordingly.

Speaker 1:

Now. We can all plan and plan to fail things like that, but if you're serious about this new resolution that just populated in your brain at midnight because it was 2024 and everyone else going to run away Well, what's your new year's resolution and what's your new year's resolution? Just sit down and shut up. That's how I feel. It might be wrong, but I don't give a damn, because why don't you walk away from this conversation? You think about what I'm telling you. You're going to think differently about those damn new year's resolutions and you're going to want to take yourself a little bit more serious than that, and I hope you phone a friend and send them my podcast so they can kind of like wake up a little bit and really achieve the goals that they're looking to achieve and understand that we not just you, but I I have fallen victim to this over and over again and it had this periodically throughout the year.

Speaker 1:

We don't just try to set these fake resolutions or go. We should call them goals on a whim. We don't try to set those just in the beginning of the year, just that everybody in the world pretty much is trying to set those. If you do that in the beginning of the year, we set fake goals for ourselves quite often, or I shouldn't say fake goals, the goals on a whim quite often and they never come to fruition because we don't take the time to plan them.

Speaker 1:

And coming to my second, well, actually I want to say my third thing, because the first one is tradition is not for me. You need to check to see if tradition is really for you in this manner of any tradition and any of the things that you do. But if you choose not to go with it understand is not on me. You need don't be like oh, miss, o say F tradition. We ain't got to put up no damn Christmas tree. We don't got to light a menorah. We don't like the quasi can't. Don't play with me, don't come from me. I tell you to do it. You have got to make your decision. Oh, we're not going to have, in lights of one friend, thanksgiving, because it's like a massacre holiday, like you know. Don't cover my head Like. This is what I've heard from people. This is what I'm saying for certain things, of how I feel. You know, we're not doing Valentine's Day. We're not doing this. You should let me every day, which is true, which is so true, but anyway, I'm just going to keep going or rinse, but it's going to be all right. So we talked about tradition is not for me. That's why it's not for me.

Speaker 1:

Your homework is to figure out why. What tradition is not for you? You might say you some money, but anyway, you need to really think about that. Or it doesn't have to be a holiday, it just could be a tradition, something that you've, you know, taken from a parent or someone that you look up to, that they've done all the time that you've taken on to do. But it's becoming a burden in your life. Whether it's the resolution or not. The no plan means no achievement. That was the second one. No plan means no, no achievement.

Speaker 1:

So the third thing I want to tell you is resolutions become very demanding and they fester like a sore. You know it's because you've you've voiced this thing, you've given it life, but yet you haven't done anything with it. It's like, um, it's, it's like knowing how can I say this? It's like knowing that you have. Okay, let's be real.

Speaker 1:

Knowing you got to light, build a day, you have got to pay this light bill. You're not going to have any lights and it's there. It's there. You don't acquired it. You know. Spoken into existence. You don't sign for them, for the lights. Now you got to pay it. So it becomes a burden. And now you wish you would have just bought a couple more candles. See where I'm going with this. Somebody out there I'm an intuitive reader. Somebody out there. Lights is off. You better get some candles and stop playing. They like bill. People pay the light bill. Anyway, it becomes, they've become too demanding. Resolutions become way too demanding because they're made on a whim, without any thought. And now you're trying to figure out how to help lock this into my life.

Speaker 1:

I told this person you've not only told yourself this, you've told other people, this or another individual that this was a goal of yours. So understand or not? Even? Well, yeah, because we take it as a goal. So understand. Every time that person sees you, they want to know how you're doing with your goal. How's that new year's resolution working for you? Are you achieving it or not? You let it go, you know. So. They're so demanding that. We don't. We don't realize it when we say it. It takes over our lives. It consumes us. It's like you know it becomes a darkness, it becomes something so heavy that we don't want to carry it anymore. But we don't know how to let it go. But then we get angry at the person who's asking us about it. Who really did this care? They just want to make sure that we're achieving what. They just calling on us, calling us out on our bullshit. That's pretty much what some of us do, but you know. So this is what I'm saying to you Be careful what you speak into existence, as far as your resolutions and the goals you want to achieve, because you're putting it out and putting that out, and some of you might not want to listen to me anymore. Some of you might hold on tight to me and listen to it, but I'm very intuitive. I'm an intuitive reader, fortunate to do that, and I do believe in manifestation. But manifestation doesn't come just by you thinking about it. You know it's got to be something on your mind. It's got to be something that you actually are activating. So the fact that you have taken this on and you now it sits in your subconscious mind, if you've got this damn resolution you need to achieve, it does more harm than good. So it was nice that you kind of want to achieve something. So that's the problem. The con is you had no plan for it. So now it's just sitting there in the back of your mind and it kind of creeped up on you every time you encountered that person, asked you about it. Or you have this low moment in life and when I'm saying low night is not low depression, low, it's the low moment of things are just quiet, and you're like Tim, what can I do? What should I do? Right now you should do your damn resolution, that's what you should do. But you'll do something else and you'll do something else another time and you'll be like oh, I'll get to that later, it's because it's not that important to you, but you've said it and you said it to someone. So now they want to know how far you've gotten with it and become a hot topic of the conversation. So it becomes so demanding and it becomes like Tim, well, do I do this, do I do that? And then when you don't achieve it, at the end you know it is all just because you didn't have a plan for it. You just spit something out. So be intentional about what you say. So we got a couple of hold up. Be intentional about what you say. This is a couple of shows and one little conversation. I just want you all to know that. But be intentional about what you say and what plans you put on yourself, because even when you think you just set it and it's out and it's going, you just said something to someone to get rid of them. It comes right back around to you because you put that out in the elements, whether you believe in God or it's just your universe or creator, or you don't believe in anybody but yourself. Best believe that resolution is haunting your ass somewhere down the line. It's pointing you and it's eating at you and it becomes. Well, tim, I said I was going to do that. Why did I say I shouldn't have said that? Now what do I do? Like no, it's too demanding. So be careful what you say. If there's something that you really don't want to, you know, have a plan for and really think you're going to be able to achieve, don't say it, don't. You know? I'm not saying don't do it, but just don't say it. Or be careful what you tell people so they become demanding like a screaming child in the middle of the night, hungry. Think about that. Anyway, let's move forward. This is the fourth one. So this is a serious one, guys, and I feel like we do this to ourselves quite often. So I know I do it, I do it on a regular route things and I'm trying to change that. But particularly since we're talking about resolutions this is the one I don't do anymore is most of the time they're unrealistic. It's not going to happen in the timeframe that you think it's going to happen. I'm a person who is trying to get away from it, understand patients and not get away from patients back it up Totally. I am trying to get away from instant gratification and focus more on patients and I would like to say it is not an easy task but it is a task worth trying to achieve. See how I made that statement. You can make a statement like that for your resolution. That's my everyday statement Trying to analyze my patients and not worry about so much an instant gratification, because it's quality over quantity type thought. But any who? Most of the time these resolutions are unrealistic If you're trying to trim down really quick just to get into a dress, think to yourself is it worth it? Yeah, you might look sexy in a picture. If you're a guy, hey, you can get in a dress too. Hey, today, anybody can wear a dress. Anyway, if you're a guy, you're trying to look good and you jump short. So, whatever you're trying to do, you know, or you just want to cut the weight for a particular Party or event. Some of you are professionals. This is what you do. Don't listen to this. Do what the heck you got to do. I'm trying to walk my UFC fighters and I need you to make weight. Okay, anyway, you got to do what you got to do, but if this is just something that you're looking to do, think about it. Am I harming my body in any way? It's, especially if you're trying to lose the weight. So and I'm going to point out ladies, because I'm a lady Ladies, seek out a personal trainer. It costs you money, right, it does cost you money. However, you want to be cautious. You want to do it the right way, especially if you want to maintain it. So a new personal trainer with a nutrition is recommended. I am not a doctor, I am not a lawyer, I am not a financial advisor. So please understand this is only coming out of my experience. I do not take responsibility for any of the decisions that are made based off of the information that I am providing on my show. I need to put that clause at the end or at the beginning somewhere. Anywho, make it realistic, don't make it unrealistic, because that's what we tend to do, and when things are unrealistic then we don't achieve them or, yeah, we don't achieve them. Then we begin to not trust ourselves and not trusting ourselves spills into not trusting others and just kind of like it just keeps going and going. So when we make these on the spot type resolutions, we set ourselves up for failure because we don't have a plan to achieve them. And we set ourselves up because we're putting forth, usually some unrealistic type of goal because we're going back, we didn't plan for it, we didn't do our homework on it, and doing that can make us feel like a failure, which leads us into self sabotage. So you want to be mindful of the goals you're putting forth that you're saying you're trying to achieve, because to me they're all goals, no matter what resolutions, whatever you tag on to it. But you need to make sure that you're being intentional through every step of it and you're giving yourself a little bit of slack when things just don't go the way they're planned to go. Giving yourself a little bit of slack, that's important. We don't do it enough. We beat ourselves up. We accomplish one goal, we try to go to another goal, we fail at this goal and then we forget about the goal we just accomplished because we failed this one, and then that one failure becomes our whole world. Don't do that. Refrain from doing that to yourself, from beating yourself up, because I think that comes out of it. You know, you push yourself back even further. It's like you fall down, pick yourself back up. You fall down, you pick yourself back up. I know you heard that over and over again. You wouldn't know how to walk. I heard this somewhere. You wouldn't know how to walk. If you gave up. Every time you fell down, when you were an infant and it was time to stand on those two little weak, little gummy legs, you decided I'm going to walk. Whether you was walking to a donut or a toy, I don't know what your parents did or guardians. However, you walked, you got up, you walked. Best believe. You fell, you got back up and you walked and you did it again, but you did it every day. You did it when people weren't looking, you did it when people weren't looking, but you did it and you kept doing it and you made sure you got it right so you could stand on your own two feet. I need you to think the same way about these resolutions or these goals that you're trying to achieve. I need you to have that same thought process, empower and empowerment that you can give to yourself. When we start walking, we got people clapping yay, yay. For us when we're babies, when we're little, that gives us. There are cheerleaders because we're like, okay, we're doing something, or either we cried and we realized we're doing something. I need you, out of all the things that you learned, to be your biggest cheerleader. No one else should be a bigger cheerleader for you than you are for yourself. You don't need anybody, because if you're your biggest, I can't say you don't need anyone. I will say because if you're your biggest cheerleader, then everybody else that just comes by as a fan and it's great to have the fans, but you need to be your number one cheerleader, pushing you forward, getting you through the muck, getting you through the bullshit resolution that you made this morning, last night, yesterday, last week, getting you through those moments. So be mindful of what you say. I understand that most of the time, those quick resolutions are unrealistic, so don't do it. Go with something. You know, I'm just trying to eat healthy. This year. It's 365 days in a year, I believe unless they're going to change that too. I don't know. But you can eat a carrot. You've eaten healthy. You can figure out what you want to eat, but I'm pretty sure some of that's going to be healthy. You can even just tell people I'm just trying to stay alive and be happy, and that's what you can do if you find yourself being jammed into a corner with someone saying well, what's your new year's resolution? I hated that. I come right off the bat before new years come. I don't make new year's resolutions. So people stop asking me I don't do it. I make goals. I write down goals. I have a lot of goals, but I have plans to go with them. I didn't just create a pretty vision board without creating a physical plan, writing it down. Well, I've granted enough. I've given you some tips of what to do. My thing now is to ask you what realistic goals are you looking To achieve for yourself? What realistic goals are you looking To achieve for yourself? What realistic goals are you looking To achieve for yourself? That's the question. And with that question, Hold on, I'm gonna continue. I just got a pause for a second. I'm gonna tell my twins to cut the oven off. See, I told y'all this is, but this is not scripted. Even begin to To explain how I hate different things. I mean, I'll do it if I have to, but For my stuff I like to just kind of go with the flow. So that is the question for your homework is what realistic goals are you looking to achieve for yourself? I want you to think in buckets of no more than 12 weeks or 90 days and make things realistic. Okay, I want you to do that If you choose to follow me on social media, which is at Ms underscore, originator on yes, on Instagram. Okay, we can discuss this a little bit more. I'm trying to put you in a prep, or in preparation, to come in and Join my vision board class that I'm going to have, and even if you don't want to join, like the group, I'm talking about your vision board and making a plan for your vision, and this is a step by. You know. Step it away your vision. You might not have another vision until April and you might want to come and talk to me about it then and develop a plan. If you want to do it on your own, I'm going to have up a work, a workbook that's going to come out soon so you'll be able to Download that from my store. I'm going to make that happen shortly. It may be the time you would listen to this. It may be up, if not expected, by the second week of January, but make sure you follow me for that, to get that information and the release on that. Listen, because we've been talking for a hot minute now. I want you to understand that when you meet these things, it's okay to set long-term goals, but right now we want to focus on building the trust back With yourself, because, guaranteed, you don't trust yourself. Some of you I know I don't, and I'm building a trust within myself as well. So some things I trust myself, on some things definitely not, and I have to build that trust. And you start building that trust by making things realistic in your world and not holding back speaking truth and the truth you start to speak is with yourself. First, speak the truth to yourself. You know when you want something and you know when you don't. You know how you feel. Don't be a people, please, but don't be an asshole all in the same breath. You don't have to be a jerk about things. If you don't like something or you know you don't want to do something or you're not about something, you can stand up for yourself and still do it with humility. You don't have to be so arrogant and some people will all. Some people will always take you Wrong. That's just how it is, it's life. But don't take yourself wrong. Don't beat yourself up. Be kind to yourself. Find a way. Find a way to start building that trust and I believe I'm making small, obtainable goals. Okay, small obtainable gold in realistic gold, in time, in a time frame that is Applicable to the goal, that it can actually, you know, say, okay, if I can lose five pounds in 90 days, I'm good, and I keep going to the weight because that's something that I'm focusing on right now. But you can fly for yourself. If I just take 15 minutes a day and clean my house, I Know, and I do it for 90 days. It becomes the habit, it becomes something that I know. Then I can make it 30 minutes, you know, and then my big cleanups won't be so hard and I have time for myself and I trust myself to do this. I Trust myself. So make obtainable goals, realistic goals, and give them Just enough. Give them that time. Give them time to show up. Give yourself time actually to show up for that goal, for obtaining that goal. All right, guys, listen, I thank you for coming back and listening to me. I would like for you To support the show, if you can. Thank you so you can support the show by subscribing. Okay, subscribe, or you can go over and shop. Dawn should read calm whenever I put the rest of it up. But at least go Over there, shop, sign up for our newsletter there. Go over to Mizzow in the mix on YouTube. Guys, I know some people can't listen to me on Podcasts, they rather just go into YouTube. So I'm using one of my old channels so that I've never really promoted. So go ahead up there. Go subscribe to Mizzow in the mix. I'm gonna try to upload all the previous shows to this YouTube so I can reach out and talk to people like expand and then you all can go and comment, actually tell me about your Fake New Year's resolutions that you made and maybe we can talk about how to fix that and how to really make that into an obtainable goal. Or you can actually just support right here. Click on the support link. It takes you to a cash out or take your Wherever I don't know. Do that, but come back. I want you to come back. It's gonna be a great year. I think you all are so worth it. You know I've been podcasting for maybe five years Not consistently, and I had other podcasts but Mizzow in the mix now, even though I switch I Don't know what to how to say that, but I went from one producing my podcast in one place to producing on another place. But I've been with this current buzz sprout for a couple years now and I'm really, really appreciate knowing that so many people are listening and getting downloads. Please share the podcast with other people. I believe that Sometimes, if the message isn't for you, it doesn't mean that the message isn't for someone that's close to you. All right, you all are super, and I do want you to do your homework, because doing the homework and doing the work is Important. Listening to me is great. I'm grateful for that, but I'm so invested in you all actually doing the work for yourself. That has got to be one of the most, I Guess, the the the most promising things and why I keep doing this. And if you're on a spiritual note, don't forget to check out MsO Tarot. Miss O Tarot, I'm gonna be coming back. I actually do intuitive messages. I do readings on there, so check out Miss O Tarot. Listen, I'm out of here. I've been talking to you guys for a minute and I gotta go to my other place of business, home, home. You know that's work. I gotta go there and take out my girls, have some dinner and I will speak to you all later. I love you guys. I wish you the best for this 2024. If you stuck with me to the end, you know you are a friend, so go mind your business and pot your plants. We got things to do. I thought to you later. Bye.