Mz O In The Mix

Cultivating an Abundant Mindset to Reshape Your Reality

Mz Originator Season 5 Episode 2

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Battling with a scarcity mindset wasn't just my personal demon; it's a silent plague that afflicts countless individuals, regardless of their wealth or status. Through a journey of self-discovery and a radical shift in my internal dialogue, I've emerged with strategies that have not only transformed my outlook but also promise to reshape yours. This podcast peels back the layers of limited beliefs, unveiling how they can stealthily undermine our social interactions and personal development. With a blend of candid anecdotes and reflective insight, I guide you through the process of adopting an abundance mindset, fortified by the power of affirmations and positive self-talk. Prepare to challenge the narratives holding you back and to embrace the techniques that can spark a profound change in your life.

The path to personal growth is endlessly enriched by continuous learning and the wisdom of mentors, and this episode is dedicated to showing you how. Affirming your strengths and aspirations can sculpt a new self-image and life perspective, while education stands as the antidote to scarcity, breaking down barriers at any age and from any walk of life. This conversation extends an invitation to join a community where growth is inclusive and mentorship is transformational. As we wrap up, I leave you with a bolstered confidence and unwavering belief in your potential. You're not merely a listener; you're an integral part of this journey toward success, and I'm here, rooting for you every step of the way.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Miow in the Mix. Today we are discussing transitioning your lack mentality to enhance growth. Get your pen and pad ready. You will have some homework to do. If you're returning, welcome back. If you're new, here are a few guidelines. If this is your first time tuning in, I welcome you with open arms to a not-so-judgmental zone. Just a little tough love. If you are driving, keep both hands on the wheel and eyes on the road, even while laughing. If there are small children around, wear earbuds because I cuss. Hey, don't forget to listen to this episode again. You may have missed something and share with a friend. Don't be selfish. What a day, what a day. What a day, y'all.

Speaker 1:

I am happy to be recording today because, let me tell you, I was in lack mentality. It happens to the best of us. Today may have been one of those days, but I pulled myself out and I want to share with you how you can do that too. So, transitioning your lack mentality. Let me say that again Transitioning your lack mentality to enhance growth. Now just a little storyline to before we get into our homework.

Speaker 1:

Each and every one of us has lack mentality. I don't care what your status is, I don't care how much money you make, I don't care if you're the matriarch of your family, I don't care. Everyone that has a pulse has a form of lack mentality, whether you wish to believe it or not. And in today's discussion we're going to touch on three different ways that you can help yourself get over this lack mentality. We hope that you enhance your growth while doing these things. And let me tell you, it is not easy. It is not easy at all. It's not easy to recognize when you're in a lack mentality state. It's not easy to pull yourself up out of it, and it damn sure isn't easy when you have other people pointed out to you. So now that we got that negative ball out of the way, I want to look at what can we do here to pull ourselves out of it and grow from it. So usually when people have a lack mentality, they don't know, because they're just going about life every single day with the same old woes that they're used to.

Speaker 1:

I recall not understanding what the health lack mentality was. I didn't grow up with talking about stuff like this. I, you know, no one ever put it in my face to say you know you're suffering from a lack mentality. You are. You need some assistance with that. You need to think differently. I didn't have those conversations growing up and I did not have those conversations early on in my young adulthood. They just did not exist. So this brings me to say you may wonder how the heck did I come up with this, or notice or recognize that I have a lack mentality? Well, the term. I didn't even understand it until maybe 10, 15 years ago or just a little bit before then.

Speaker 1:

Lack mentality can hit us in any area of our lives. It's not just in the financial sector or in our pockets. Most people and this is my opinion okay, everything that I talk about is my opinion. Your opinion may be totally different, and that is fine and I respect it, but understand so, if you're listening to me, you're getting my opinion. I don't mind if you voice your opinion to me, and I'm giving you a way to do that Look down in the description box. Okay, now I was on a roll and took the other part of me jumped in. That's a lack mentality, because I lack the tools to regain the thoughts that I previously had. I'm going to be okay. Oh Lord, getting old is rough. So let's go back.

Speaker 1:

Lack mentality when I discovered that it's not a term that, of course, that I came up with. It's been around forever, but the fact that it even existed, I didn't learn that until later on, when I was well into my adulthood, and I feel that I was in denial. It's like the first thing when you find out that you have a lack mentality. You're in denial and you're like, no, I don't, I don't have that, just like anything else. When you don't have something where you like it, you're in denial. And when I finally faced it, it was like what do I do to overcome this lack mentality, the lack thereof, of course, finance, the lack thereof social skills that would connect me to other individuals that would help me grow, and I had to really overcome this. And YouTube wasn't that big for me back then. But I said you know what I got to find something. So I write books, I did the YouTube thing.

Speaker 1:

And then I sat myself down and realized the way that I talk to myself Was very negative. So the number one thing that I say I had to do was start to look within and figure out what's wrong and how do I fix that. So I started to dig deeper into my past of me. You know, when I was a child, what happened to me? What did I go through? What am I missing? What did my scene? Why do I talk to myself so harshly and do I talk to other people like that? I started questioning my behavior and in questioning my behavior, I was able to turn things around and come up with at least something to start with. You know it's like a starter plate, so let's talk about it.

Speaker 1:

Number one what can you do for transitioning your lack or your mentality? How can I say the lack mentality to enhance growth? So, transitioning your lack mentality to enhance growth. The first thing you can do is affirmations. Don't sit down below. Oh boy, here we go, she's talking. Affirmations. Listen, the way you talk to yourself is important. If you call yourself stupid every day, 14 times a day, you're going to start to believe you're stupid. It's not a positive thing, it's not healthy. Would you tell your children they're stupid? And if you do tell your children you're stupid, news flash you the stupid one. You wouldn't want to talk to your children like that. You don't want someone else talking to you like that. So why would you talk to yourself like that? That's what you have to look at. Start incorporating positive affirmations into your life.

Speaker 1:

I am smart, I am healthy, I am strong, I am whatever a unicorn, I am a dolphin, I am a turtle. Whatever you want to be, I am a college graduate, even if school is hard for you. I'm a straight A student. I'm a straight B student. Whatever you're looking to achieve, I'm a millionaire, I'm an entrepreneur, I'm an artist, I'm a writer. Start making healthy decisions of how you should speak to yourself. So that's number one Affirmations.

Speaker 1:

Let's talk about the second thing. When you lack knowledge, you have a lack mentality. When you lack knowledge, you have a lack mentality. As many say, you should never be the smartest person in the room. If you're the smartest person in the room, who are you going to learn from? And each and every person can learn from someone, no matter how old they are, what ethnicity they are. If there's a language barrier, if there's an educational barrier, I believe you can still learn from each and every person you encounter. So, number two educating yourself on the subject that you feel you lack knowledge in can help you grow. It doesn't matter what it is. It doesn't matter how old you are. Putting your needs first as far as what you need to do in order to bring yourself out of that lack is what should be one of your number one reasons for getting up in the morning and educating yourself on a particular subject that you find doesn't come easy to you is definitely, definitely something that you can do to help you in transitioning that lack mentality. Understand that there are going to be so many more steps to this. I'm only giving you three.

Speaker 1:

Have this conversation with your friends, family members, your children, your spouse, your partner, hell. Have the conversation with the people in the dentist's office, your doctor. You would be surprised how you can connect to other individuals when you have true, full conversations that have weight in reality that others are facing. Just because someone has a degree or a PhD does not mean that they are smarter than you or dumber than you Okay, it goes both ways and it doesn't mean that you don't have knowledge that you can share with them. You can conduct a healthy, healing conversation to or with anyone, even a five year old, a three year old, a two year old, it doesn't matter. You have something to offer and they have something to offer. You have these conversations. Be honest. It's not like you're bearing your complete soul. I'm not saying give them your whole history on all the things you lack in life. So then you turn around feeling like a loser for the rest of the day. I'm not saying that. I'm saying engage in conversation about some of these things, about some of these topics we've talked about for the last two plus years.

Speaker 1:

It helps to educate yourself and the party that you're engaging with in these conversations. No, it's not going to be easy. Yes, it means you have to be a social, a little bit of an extrovert Heck, I know I don't like to do it. But once you start you kind of get comfortable, not with each and every person out there, but once you find the person you can connect with, that's serious about the conversation and you're talking and you're laughing and you're connecting and you're bonding, you're enhancing your growth because somewhere there's a small seed that you've planted in yourself and in that other person and they've done the same. They planted a seed in themselves and into you which now causes you to go out and seek more information in something else or in a space where you said I want to learn, I want to learn a little bit more about that. Spark these conversations to help you grow.

Speaker 1:

You don't always have to just go read the book or go to the class. Having conversations with other individuals is part of educating yourself. Don't underestimate the little, small parts of education, and when I say that I mean whether you're reading a magazine or a book, or you go to a therapist, or you're having that small conversation with the postman or postwoman, you know, or the person that stopped you in the street to ask you about your shoes, or you know. It's just little things. You have to figure out how that connects to you in your lack mentality. Maybe you lack those social skills and you find it hard to interact with other individuals. It causes you anxiety. There's a lack there. That's a challenge.

Speaker 1:

Transitioning your lack mentality to enhance growth is a challenge, and it's not just your challenge, it's a challenge that everyone encounters. So think about it. Think about what you can do to help yourself. Not what other episode is coming on, one of the Witcher. I mean, that's what I'm going to do to help myself unwind. But it's like what can you do to expand and grow in order to move up to where you want to be? Do you even know where you want to be? If you don't know where you want to be. How can you find out how to expand on that? Maybe the subject of who am I? Maybe you need to do that and then start to educate yourself on who you are.

Speaker 1:

There are so many things in so many ways that you can come out of this lack. It's just take time to think about it. Each one of these steps I've done numerous times, as I always tell you, it doesn't get any easier. Life is very complicated and, out of all of our frustrations, when it gets quiet in the bedroom and we're alone, that's when all of these things come up what you lack, what you don't have. Take a pen and a piece of paper, keep it with you, a small notebook, something that is small, where you don't have to make long ass paragraphs, but you can digest a little bit of information when you discover that you have a lack in something. Let's move on.

Speaker 1:

Number three seeking a mentor. It sounds very easy and very difficult at the same time. Seeking a mentor can be very scary and I want to say and be so transparent with you I still don't technically have a mentor. It is very hard to find someone that wants to take their time and give it to you without the biggest damn ticket price attached to it. When you can't trade on something, it can be hard Meaning when they don't want you to do something for them but pay them. So mentorship isn't easy.

Speaker 1:

It's not that you can't come across a mentor. It may be the mentor that you're really looking for. I want to say don't let that stop you. I'm not letting it stop me In places of, or I should say in the place of, the mentor that I'm now looking for. I've used people from YouTube and I've followed in those ways Not necessarily followed, because that's something big, but I've taken bits and pieces of lessons learned that they were willing to share. And sometimes you email and you connect with people. I don't have a mentor right now. What do I have? A mentor through books, a mentor through email, and sometimes that's all you really need, but sometimes to have live feedback, you find someone that has already been through what you're going through that hopefully shares the same morals and values, not down to a T, but similar.

Speaker 1:

I will also say be careful with whom you seek mentorship with, because I would say this self-explanatory, but that's not true. Be careful who you seek mentorship with, because you might be wrapped up in. I think it's idolization instead of realization. The person that you're requesting to mentor you is a human. They have feelings, the emotions or they can be emotional. They can be arrogant. They can be everything that you thought that they would never be. So I want you to remember when you select your mentor they are a person. Don't have too many high expectations of them. They are flawed, just like you are, just like I am. They cannot be your superhero. They are there to help you understand how they got where they are and what you can possibly incorporate into your world. They are not there to give you all the secrets, because they don't have all the answers.

Speaker 1:

You may need three and four mentors. You may not need any. You may need to just face your own damn music. And you know like my lack mentality comes because I'm a procrastinator. I spent four hours binge watching a TV show instead of working on my budgeting for my company or writing my essay, or cleaning my house, or, or, or. It could be so many things. Just remember, don't glorify the mentor.

Speaker 1:

The mentor is there for guidance, not necessarily full on support, but guidance, intellectual guidance. You're trying to learn something, you're trying to gain knowledge of a particular industry or subject, and that's what it is. That's all it is. And just because it worked for your mentor, does it mean it's going to work for you. You need to take what you can use and leave the rest. Don't fault your mentor because she didn't work out for you. And I will repeat that Don't fault your mentor because she didn't work out for you. Instead, find another way, get another mentor. Before you get another mentor, you ask the current one. What am I missing? Is there something I'm not doing? Because they may have the perfect answer for you. And when I speak of mentor, I'm also speaking about the therapist, the psychiatrist, the parent.

Speaker 1:

Your mentor could be anyone and everyone the person in the room that has more knowledge than you, the person in the room that you look up to and respect in that particular subject. They are hot damn mess they are. You lose all respect for them. You forgot the main purpose. You're there to learn something from them in a particular subject, not walk a mile in their shoes. So just remember what the assignment is.

Speaker 1:

Listen, I set up here and I gave y'all three of them. I'm trying to do a little bit better with shows. I'm going to do a little recap, real quick for you guys, and then I'm going to say Sayonara, so I hope you've been paying attention and listening. So here is the recap and then your homework. Okay, so, transitioning your lack mentality to enhance growth One affirmations. Two, educating yourself on the subject. And three, seeking a mentor.

Speaker 1:

Those are three of the things that I've done not the only things I've done in order to overcome my lack mentality. It is not easy and it is an ongoing process. I face it every day, I fight with it every day because, hell, I'm human. Every damn day, despite what some people think, I am human. So, with that being said, I want to say your homework is yes, I was not going to forget, I was not going to forget.

Speaker 1:

Your homework is to sit down in a quiet space with a notepad and think what is it that you lack? Are you always fussing about the bills? Are you nervous when it comes time to speak in front of a group? Do you not understand interest? What is it that you lack? Maybe your vocabulary is not where you want it to be. I used to think that way and I said the hell with that. I'm good, I'll learn new words. That's not really what I'm concerned about in life, but you may be in a position where you need to up your vocabulary. Well, how are you going to do that Instead of shrinking down in your seat every time someone says a 20 letter word, which could have probably been said with a 3, 4, or 5 letter word?

Speaker 1:

But don't get me started. But every time someone says one of these big ass words, you start shaking in your boots. I used to be like that until I turned around and said I don't know what you're talking about, or I just wait until the end and be like what does that mean? What does that mean? Because I know somebody else in the room don't know what the hell that person is talking about either, and then to come find out they could have used a little ass word and we could have just kept moving. But no, let's see. Oh gosh, oh gosh. Anyway, I was going off on a rant. I'm trying to catch myself. Y'all do better for you. I'm trying, but I still got to be me. So that's your homework.

Speaker 1:

Get a notepad, sit in a quiet room, think about what you lack and what you would like to do to grow in a particular area, or what area you want to grow in. Maybe you want to read more books just so you can have a sense of creativity at Spark. Start with something small. Don't try to get like a 600 page book. I think you're going to want it, you're going to be. You know you're going to finish that book, because when you don't finish it you're going to feel like a failure and say what the hell? What am I thinking?

Speaker 1:

Get a small book, read it, build your way up, help, destroy that lack mentality. Say a few affirmations before you read it. Do what you got to do. I believe in you, just believe in yourself. All right, guys. On that note, I want to say thank you. I appreciate you. Don't forget to subscribe to the channel If you'd like to donate to the show, I can use a cup of coffee, a cup of tea, not a donut, unless it's gluten free. All right, guys, I appreciate you. I will see you next week. You're wonderful, you're intelligent, you're sexy and you got this. Love you guys. Talk to you later.